Some of Many

3 years ago

I recently cut my foot on a large shard of glass a...

I recently cut my foot on a large shard of glass and found that the dreaded FMH was the only place open at 10pm that i could be treated.

After doing some brutally basic first aid on myself (duct tape and paper towels) entered the "emergency" waiting room and was made to wait for two and a half hours to go to the ER. This time was spent actively bleeding. They gave me something that looked exactly like a puppy training pad so I wouldn't get blood on their floors.

As my friend said while I was texting him during the TWO AND A HALF HOUR wait:
"Wonderful -- now they can treat a patient like a dog AND a child...

So after that wonderful adventure of cheap seating and stained linoleum, they put me in an Emergency Room... For another hour.

Then a nurse casually came by, cut my blood engorged home-made bandage down the side and said, and I quote verbatim, "Wow, it's a bit meaty under there" then taped my bandage closed so I could keep waiting.

Just before 3am, a doctor finally gave me the stitches I had needed. That's FIVE HOURS of unattended, gaping injury held together by duct tape and medicinal anger.

TL;DR: It's better to take a sewing needle and a bottle of vodka to your gaping, down-to-the-muscle-fat-hanging-out-from-under-the-skin-flaps injury than bleed to death in a FMH waiting room.


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