9 months ago

Why America allows arabs & hindu in telemarketing??

Why the fck a mf hindu or arab is calling my number multiple times a day how this smelling & looking like shit humans get their hands on everything?? I hope yall become a target worldwide because scamming should be punished with death. Yall pop’s should have sold you for a camel so y’all didn’t have to go so low in life..

Comments: (1)


Yllimahojtoquendo, whatever who the fuck are you, i don't give a shit about it i know this, is a scammer call,
But don't ever try to call mf to a Hindu otherwise I am going straight to your mum and I will fuck her that much bad, she's not going to remember you.
Did you got that ???
Just let them do whatever they are doing,
That's another thing,
But don't you ever try to abuse any hindu...
My dick is ready to fuck your whole family and your relative too...
So please,
I'm abusing because you abused too..
I made an account just to tell you don't even try to say anything to any hindu again...

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