Emil Goh

4 years ago

This company (motor insurance branch) is FANTASTIC...

This company (motor insurance branch) is FANTASTIC at selling their product with great initial service, polite calls to check in on your decisions etc. However when it comes to claiming the insurance, especially when both parties in the traffic accident are under AXA, they are even better at dragging their feet, dodging queries, conveniently forgetting to refund premiums, and still post a phantom claim against your policy such that it affects the assessment by the next insurer. Ironically it was a AVIVA rep who told me something was amiss with rgard to the AXA claims in their insurance database.

What an embarrassment for a company whose motto is "Redefining Standards". Indeed, AXA has redefined standards. I never knew a corporation in this day and age can stoop so low.

In all honesty, as an ex-customer of theirs I feel swindled, stressed, pushed into a corner and made to wait for more than a year for a minor motor accident evaluation that ultimately never came and resulted in me opting to settle privately (repairs cost me $300 outta my own pocket for somebody else rear-ending my car.)

It seems that if I were to even buy $0.10 worth of policy from AXA, it is money gone into a deep dark hole with no way of getting it back... because this company will pull all stops, go to all lengths to prevent you from claiming anything at all... even a $300 paint scratch that wasn't even your fault.


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