Bethany Chapman

3 years ago

I am writing this as a patient and former employee...

I am writing this as a patient and former employee.
I worked in the physical therapy office at the Sparks location. Four months into my employment there I became ill. Very ill, following symptoms I had been having for a while. During my, (unknown) last week of employment, I was ill to my stomach every day. I decided to get into my primary care physician that Friday since we close early on Fridays. The other front desk worker decided to take an impromptu trip that Friday. And, since she had been there longer than me, and was favored by the director she got to go. I then scheduled it for Monday, but the director then told me I couldn't schedule it for Monday, and to schedule another day. I gave up and went to the ER that Friday after work. They ran many tests on me, then had me come back Saturday for a more involved scan. On Sunday, I went back to the ER because I was not any better and ended up being admitted for observation. I came back to work Tuesday, still very sick. The director sent me home, stating, and I quote"If you are still sick tomorrow, call in." I was, and I did. She called me that day to tell me I was fired for missing 3 days of work(she had sent me home a month prior because I had a cold.) She said, and IaI aga quote,"I hope you feel better from whatever you have." I had solid proof I was in the hospital. As a side note, I had a bad gallbladder. I found out months later. If I had let it go on longer, it could've gone septic. I will also add, a month before that, I started seeing a doctor for carpal tunnel syndrome. They scheduled me for surgery in 2 months. After I got off the phone, I casually mentioned it to the other woman I worked with at the front desk. Within 10 MINUTES, the director emailed me, telling me, I needed to make her aware of any surgeries I might have. I had only scheduled it 20 minutes ago! The director also told me I needed to do occupational therapy instead of surgery. My treatment was none of her business. The physical therapy office is very, "cliquey". The front desk worker and the supervisor of physical therapy would constantly gossip about patients. The director is self centered and egotistical. I contacted UHS via letter in regards to the whole situation. All they told me to do was call HR.
As a patient, when I was in the ER, and had all my imaging done, I was NEVER EVER called in regards to the results of my imaging. I didn't know months later that my gallbladder was bad, until I went to a real doctor. And, he saw from the imaging that was sent from Northern that I had a hernia too!! Northern Nevada never even mentioned either one. Also, I was seeing a primary who was part of the Northern Nevada Medical Group. I called them the day I got out of Northern, and asked for a note for work stating I was in the hospital. They called me TWO WEEKS later to tell me they had my letter ready.
I would not let my worst enemy go to Northern Nevada Medical for anything.


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