
ivan perhatongate

4 years ago

This actually happened to a poor child in the seve...

This actually happened to a poor child in the seventh grade, it has been a few years but I finally decided to post this, it has all happened, I was in seventh when I had wrote this so please excuse any mistakes.

"A time when I saw someone do wrong was a few nights ago. It was the ending of mess three and we were all jumpy and dreaded going to study hours. We went outside saluted the flag and then we all marched back in an improper manner. Everyone was goofing around and someone was getting bullied by a jerk who is very annoying. And so he was kicking the cadet who was getting bullied all the way back to the barracks. I didn t know because I was goofing around somewhere else. And so our leaders had stopped us and yelled at us to shut up and to quit goofing around. Then they continued to march us, then we had stopped and quickly began to mess around and talk because we wouldn t be able to talk again for an hour and a half. Then we had stopped outside the barracks and went up the stairs to alpha. While I was walking up the first set someone took the same kid who was getting bullied, took there cover and threw it down the stairs, they were above me and it came on top of me. So the kid who was getting bullied ran down to pick it up. Someone had handed it to him and he had accepted it to be spit on by the same bully. After he was spit on he wiped it off and went up the rest of the way to the formation to be told what would happen tonight. So the same kid tried to tell a platoon sergeant and he wouldn t listen then the kid who was getting bullied blew a fuse and was yelling at everyone in the company. So he went to tell the TAC and got there after being punched. Lieutenant Inglett stopped him and heard him out so then he got the bullies into the TAC office. After the kid who had been bullied left, Lieutenant Inglett and the jerks were laughing and having a good ole jolly time while the kid who was bullied was in tears. I believe this is injustice because they were not punished or anything. I believe this only happens in alpha so I will call it alpha injustice. This is where no one will listen to the truth no matter what you say or do. What the TAC did is total alpha injustice. In conclusion, I hope riverside will fix these problems. Although riverside is the worst school I have attended, there is much more that happens than what they say, most of the kids do drugs daily and never get caught or in any trouble, this school also lies to you a lot."


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