
izzi Schmit

4 years ago

I m not one to write reviews.

I m not one to write reviews.
Former management though, we are encouraged to write positive reviews and you will see many who do this. I have never met a resident who was happy to live there. This company swallows up locally owned healthcare facilities, changes things to make it more cost effective and then runs it into the ground. CEOs are not healthcare professionals and know little to nothing about the way places like this need to operate. Claims to celebrate employees and gives VERY large bonuses but pays one of the lowest of anywhere else in our state. They are simply not competitive wages. Promotions can be easily obtained but it s because there s a revolving door of management that is overworked and underpaid. I myself was asked to be everything but a nurse and paid the same as the PCAs. There are obvious problems with neglect as far as residents go and that starts with cutting every possible corner in the dietary and laundry departments. There was a point they had a receptionist stand in for the social worker, no the receptionist had no experience and was not in school for this. They just gave her the responsibilities.
There was another instance an employee was suspected of being under the influence while at work repeatedly that was reported to upper management and after months the employee was fired for attendance issues.
They have one IT person for the whole company.
Administration called a campus meeting to promote her MLM once. HR (when there actually was one) didn t know current labors laws, management unknowingly told employees it was illegal to talk about pay and was never reprimanded for that.
The whole experience was one of the most unprofessional environments I ve ever worked in and they never placed value on direct care, it seemed like doing so was an inconvenience, I ve been fortunate(lol) enough to attend meetings with corporate present.
I ve ran my own in home care business before. Trust me when I say these people have no idea what they re doing in terms of providing quality direct care and they re out to make money off vulnerable people. I m now back doing in home care and I have yet to meet anyone who stayed at a Monarch facility that has anything good to say about their experience. Don t let your family stay there and don t fall for their hiring bonuses. The pay is abysmal and the environment is toxic.


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