Sissy Oftheforest

3 years ago

I rarely write reviews.

I rarely write reviews.

Personally, I've had two experiences with this medical facility.

I went there when an artery connected to my friend s heart blew out while I was with him one evening. He is a tough, stoic person, and he calmly said, I think I need to go to the hospital. I took his blood pressure, but I honestly thought the battery operated blood pressure cuff was malfunctioning. By the time I got him to CHI Livingston, his BP had dropped to 40, he could no longer see, and he was literally dying. I had no idea how bad it was when I put him in my car, because my friend was so calm. When I told the receptionist what the repeated BP reading was that I had read, that he was losing his vision, CHI Livingston ER staff ran out to the porte-cochere, helped him out of my car, and he was on a gurney with a physician and three staff in the room working on him within less than one minute! They literally saved his life, worked to stabilized him, and within several hours called an ambulance to transfer him to the CHI facility in Lufkin where he had surgery. He is great today, better than before. I know CHI Livingston saved his life.

In another event, I went to a local emergency clinic that improperly treated a severe cut on my leg, and a several days later it became very badly infected. By the time I got to CHI Livingston, I couldn t walk because the pain was so bad, and the leg had swollen to twice its size. They immediately treated my leg and kept me there a few days to run antibiotics through my body to ensure I was safe from severe infection.

I am a very particular, cautious person, and a great observer of professionalism and customer service. Before moving to Polk County, my previous physicians were the best in the Houston Medical Center. I found the physicians, medical personnel, and staff at CHI St Luke's Livingston to be very professional, caring, very highly trained and knowledgeable, and very responsive. I found no fault with anyone there whatsoever, nor did my friend.

Actually, I was in awe of how of how quickly they responded and how well-prepared they were. I was in the room the entire time talking to my friend trying to keep him conscious. I saw it. They knew exactly what to do and acted very quickly to save my friend's life.

I have never had another problem with my leg.

I found CHI Livingston to be top notch, and I will certainly go there again if I ever have another medical emergency. I trust them.

Realistically, hospital emergency rooms are intended for real life-threatening emergencies. I accept that it makes sense for hospital ERs to treat people based on the level of severity of the illness or injury. If you walk in the door with a mind-set of respect and realistic expectations, then you must trust that highly trained nurses in triage will collect details on your case, and that they are trained to sort out the priorities in cases. You have to accept that someone already in the ER may be in big trouble, and doctors and nurses are trying to save a life.


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