S.S. Tillman, Esq.

4 years ago

If your time and/or hopes regarding your current l...

If your time and/or hopes regarding your current legal predicament are of issue, be cautious of this office.

In July 2013, as an eager and newly licensed attorney (UH Law/Texas Licensed), I applied to offer PRO BONO AND VOLUNTEER French translation services, to this office, in the hopeful exchange of gaining fundamental experience in Immigration Law. I interviewed, was selected, then shown the office.

The next day, I sent a thank you card to the staff attorney who interviewed me, director Brian Schaeffer. A few days thereafter, I returned to the office, as instructed by Mr. Schaeffer, to pick up my ID. I noted his car in the small parking area, (I'd seen it when I interviewed a few days prior and found that it was his vehicle), but I was told by the receptionist that he was not in the office that day - the day I was asked to drive all the way back, to retrieve the necessary paperwork and ID, etc. I travelled all the way back home, called, left messages, sent several emails over the course of a year, and no communication was ever returned.

While I understand there may have been a change in the decision to allow my volunteering, to completely cease communication, blatantly ignore my many efforts to communicate, and for the then receptionist to lie that he was no longer available, is unprofessional and unacceptable; and this many years later, still regrettable. This was my first introduction to law practice culture, I was overwhelmingly disasspointed by the blatant disregard for my time, hope, and inspiration. With no regard to my many "follow up" attempts, the interview proved itself to have been a staged quota fill, and nothing more.

Should you seek immigration services, your time is far more critical than mine was - use it wisely, as you have legal statutory timeframes that cannot and should not be trifled. I was toyed with, for reasons I will never know, but would like to warn others: seek counsel in a less crowded, more organized, and forthcoming office. Do not allow this office, regardless of their pro-bono services, to usurp your opportunity and legal status. There are many pro-bono legal aid offices like this throughtout the Houston area - seek them. Otherwise, be cautious, here.


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