Francis Gossart

4 years ago

The castle belongs to the foundation of France

The castle belongs to the foundation of France
The foundation

Foundation for the safeguarding and development of the Domaine de Chantilly

Created in 2005 by His Highness the Aga Khan, the Foundation for the Safeguarding and Development of Domaine de Chantilly has been given the responsibility of preserving and promoting this great historic site, for the account and in coordination with the Institut de France until in 2025. The Domaine de Chantilly was bequeathed to the Institut de France in 1884 by the will of the Duke d'Aumale.

The mission of the Foundation is twofold: to ensure the sustainability of the estate, in accordance with the Duke d'Aumale's legacy, by guaranteeing sustainable economic and environmental development, and to promote the Domaine de Chantilly in the world cultural landscape, to make a reference in terms of wealth management.

Since its creation, the Foundation has planned and supervised a vast program of renovation and restoration, in order to preserve the whole domain (Castle, Park and Grandes Ecuries). These projects are funded by a public / private partnership between the French government, the Picardie Region, the Department of Oise, His Highness the Aga Khan, and private sponsors. The Foundation has undertaken numerous projects aimed at preserving, restoring and restoring many historic elements and buildings on the site, including, gardens and art collections, as part of the improvement of the cultural offer and facilities for visitors.

These projects have helped to strengthen the economic viability of the field by matching high management standards with growth and changing cultural demands. The Foundation's economic development policy is reinforced by its efforts to preserve the extraordinary treasures of the estate. This policy is based on a varied cultural program, scientific excellence, audience satisfaction and an active network of influential thinkers in France and abroad. With its objectives of economic stability and sustainability, the Foundation offers new perspectives and practices in terms of wealth management.


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