Thomas Wolf Jr

5 years ago

Absolutely best company I have ever work for. They...

Absolutely best company I have ever work for. They treat employees like family, you are not a number or lowlife servant you are a human being. I could go on for hours about how good they are, I will try to sum it up quickly
They care about their employees and dont give empty promises when i started working for them the company picnic was 4 or 5 weeks from when I started not only was invited to go but my family members also were included at no cost to me. As I was walking thru our pavilion at the picnic and the CEO and owner grabbed my arm and said " Hi, Tom how are things going? You having any issues? I just wanted to welcome you to WTC and let you know I have an open door policy, if you have an issue and it cant be solved by people in chain above you then come see me. WE will resolve it immediately "
I have never met owner of any company I have worked for let along have one seek me out knowing my name to say those words to me. Only way I am leaving WTC is feet first with a toe tag and I will probably be kicking and screaming to let me get back to work. If you are looking for a job I highly recommend submitting application. Absolutely best job I have ever had.


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