Patricia Tejeda

4 years ago


1.- Reservation: Attempt 1, telephone reservation completed and 45 minutes later they request a photo of my credit card on both sides and complete the format in 15 minutes due to card problems, and I preferred that it be canceled. As they told us a lot about the Hotel, we made the reservation through Expedia and there was no problem with the card.
2.- The bell boys were very kind to receive the luggage upon arrival at the Hotel, which did not happen at the exit since although they saw me carrying a briefcase, none of them helped, and therefore I can see that the access ramp For the disabled it is not visible, nor gentle access.
3.- The receptionist upon entry was friendly.
4.- It was not pleasant that they wanted to sell us an upgrade or timeshare, from my opinion it takes away a certain elegance, but in the Hotel they do it and it's over.
5.- In the delivery of rooms, one on time and the second more than an hour later, just because the rooms were joint and we are family, otherwise it would have been very uncomfortable. By the way, the room that was delivered on time and is supposed to be clean, in the drawers there were underwear wraps, so it was not that clean.
6.- Good facilities, nice pools, clean and pleasant beach.
7.- Personal, not very pleasant and cordial, at least with those of us who do not appear to be of another nationality, although I must admit that if I found educated and willing workers, bravo for them. I also realized that they lack information since several times I asked where some things were and they did not know how to inform, but what I do admit is that at least two told me that they did not know but asked to answer.
8.- Reservations for Specialty Restaurants, upon arrival we were informed that reservations to these Restaurants were made daily from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. for the same day, which is not the case because the day after our arrival I was the first person waiting, when the lady arrived, being the only person sitting in front of her desk, she did not have the kindness to say hello or explain that as soon as she connected her computer and opened the program she would attend me, but as I think it is education and disposition, and when for In the end, he was good enough to talk to me, it was to tell me that I had no place for the next 3 days, which was in contradiction with the information on our arrival, and during our stay we passed several times in front of the restaurants and in the two schedules, an hour or a little later, there were at least 5 to 8 empty tables.
9.- Clean and pleasant pools, only in the one for exclusively adults if there were children, and when I asked the lady about the towels, she replied that it was the parents' responsibility to remove them, but I think she reconsidered and minutes later someone from security to ask them to leave, which I applaud although it was not the appropriate response for me.
10.- As for the food, although not delicious, it is simply good.
In retrospect and from reviews I read, I think the solution is not to answer that the variety of food and different services or friendliness, is in the ascent to the next category NO.
The DIFFERENCE is in making sure that each person who arrives at Marival has a pleasant stay and experience to return, and that that is what motivates the search for the upgrade or the purchase of a timeshare, and not take the talk just for give them something in return.
In particular, I recommend hiring a Mystery Shopper for all your categories.


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