Ursula Biehl

3 years ago

I have attended Capilano University since 2014 and...

I have attended Capilano University since 2014 and have been in two programs: ABE and the BAA program. Through my studies, I have found my instructors to be incredible helpful and they have always gone the extra mile through one-on-one time during coaching hours and by helping me get involved outside the classroom. The small classes sizes offer opportunity for hands on learning and lots of group work. Yes a lot of people hate the idea of group work but it is so integral to being workplace ready in business. I have seen so many peers go from being extremely anxious and shy in groups in first year to being strong communicators by third year, if they hadn't had that opportunity they would have been struggle to communicate with a variety of diverse people upon entering the workforce.

Part of what made my experience so amazing was getting involved on campus through clubs, PD, on campus employment, and doing a field school. People like to complain that there isn't enough campus life or ways to get involved but if you put in the effort there are endless opportunities. Like with any University you get out of it what you put in to it, if you are going to rush right out of class and not talk to anyone then yes you will find University quite anti-social. That being said if you stop by a club or career fair and look at how to get plugged in you will meet incredible people and learn so much more. As part of the business program I have had opportunities to travel, present to panels of industry professionals, compete against like minded students from across Canada, make life long friends, and expand my learning through relevant jobs and volunteering.

Was doing a field school expensive? Yes, but it was something I saw as an invaluable experience and so I saved for it and would do it again in a heart beat.

Is scheduling classes a challenge? Yes and No, if you meet with an academic advisor regularly through your program you will ensure that you know what to take and that you are on track; in addition, you have to recognize what you're priority is, for me it has been school and so I have shuffled my work slightly over the years to be able to take the course load and offering I wanted.

Is the course load heavy? Well there is no straight answer to this as every course is different and every area of study and every students capacity is different. The fact is University is hard, if it wasn't challenging to get a degree there wouldn't be much value in it. That being said it's about recognizing that you're an adult and you're in charge of your academic career, if five courses is too much for you then there's nothing wrong with that but be honest with yourself and cut back. The perk of being in smaller classes is that if you're struggling go see your instructor during their office hours and they will take the time to help you through it.

All in all Capilano is an amazing school with instructors and staff that go above and beyond to help you succeed. It has grown so much in the mast few years and continues to implement new programs based on the feedback of students. I highly recommend Capilano to all my friends and have seen many peers graduate and find rewarding positions right out of school.


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