4 years ago



My mother spent three nights at this hospital last week. She has been in a wheelchair for several years, following a stroke, and went to the hospital for a minor matter. She has the use of only one arm and is unable to eat solid foods. The first night she told me via phone that she was hungry, but it was ok she said. A day or so later, she told me the hospital staff included a piece of meat in her lunch. I was immediately alarmed. She only has the use of one arm; she cannot cut meat. And she cannot chew meat because of her stroke. I finally understood why she was hungry. I contacted the nurse station, via phone, and finally her meal plan was changed to soft foods, so that she could eat.

Since the stroke, my mother wears adult diapers. They must be changed immediately after use; otherwise she tends to get urinary tract infections. She told me that, on the second or third night there, she rang for a nurse to change her undergarment because it was wet. The nurse arrived, shut the notification off, and departed. As a result, my mother slept in a urine-soaked diaper all night.

No one asked and no one seemed to notice that she wasn t receiving her numerous medications for four days, while at the hospital. Her meds were at her home.

If you go to this hospital, you need alert family members with you or private duty caretakers with you at all times. Try to avoid going to this hospital if your alert family members live far away (as in our case) or if you cannot afford private care advocates.


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