Frankie Ace

4 years ago

Literally the worst hospital. Had to take a loved ...

Literally the worst hospital. Had to take a loved one in to the Psych Ward, where the employees of Bon Secours not do their jobs correctly, at all. For a bit of background, she had to go into Bon Secours due to her eating disorder causing her to become suicidal.

To begin with, the nurses she had did not get her the medicine she needed. Even when she needed Vistaril in an Emergency, she never got it. But, more on that nurse later. They also lost a few personal belongings, like a hair brush, scrunchie, and necklace. Bon Secours hospital was supposed to set her up for transfer to Sheppard Pratt, as they actually have an Eating Disorder ward. At one point, they told her that she was approved for Sheppard Pratt and that they were just waiting on a bed. However, a few hours later, they told her she had not been approved anywhere yet. Confused, her mom called Sheppard Pratt, where they confirmed to her mom that they indeed had her info and approved her, they were just waiting on Bon Secours to fax over proper paperwork (like blood levels, vitals, etc.), which they apparently never did. After the call, the person at Sheppard Pratt called Bon Secours herself, where the nurse there insisted it had been faxed, but she would fax it "again" and email the info, where after that the info showed up at Sheppard Pratt.

There was also her doctor who did not properly listen to her when she told him she was feeling suicidal, and when she told him that her condition had worsened, he instead insulted her condition and laughed about it. When she tried telling others of her still being suicidal, they said they would talk to the doctor tomorrow (Today, September 9, 2017). Except, when the day came, she was unable to talk to nobody about staying, and they told her she was set up to go home immediately. This was due to the same nurse mentioned earlier telling people that my loved one was, amazingly, not at all suicidal or depressed or even a little down, but that she was faking all of it for attention. Her reasoning as to how she "knew" my loved one was faking everything was that she was able to talk to people, and depressed people apparently are not able to do that. This is when I got a phone call from her social worker who asked when I was going to pick her up, and when I told him she should not be discharged because she is suicidal, and that letting her out may result in someone suicidal killing themselves, he decided to give me an attitude and shout at me, exclaiming that she wasn't depressed. His reasoning was that people who are depressed and suicidal are not able to walk around. He attempted to convince me for a few moments until I had to cut him off and tell him that, as someone who suffers from depression, you can still be depressed and suicidal and still walk around and talk to people. It's referred to as High-Functioning depression and anxiety, and you would think someone in this line of work might know something as well known as that, right? This social worker also tried to tell her when she gets urges to commit suicide that all she needs to ignore it and she will be fine.

Nearly everything on the paper was wrong or changed without her knowledge, including but not limited to; her next of kin, her emergency contact, her medications, her medication doses, and her diagnosis... All of them. They have her listed as having Multiple Personality Disorder, and after looking at all of the symptoms of of Multiple Personality Disorder, I can guarantee with certainty that she does not have that, as only one of all of the symptoms fits her (that being about suicidal tendencies, which is also a symptom of Depression, which she does have). The only other one which even slightly fits is related to her eating disorder (which, again, she has. Although her paperwork also removed what her actual eating disorder is.) What confuses me the most is that if they said she's not depressed or suicidal, why did they diagnose her with something that had one of its symptoms as suicide?

Never again. Not if I were dying would I ever consider going back here.


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