

3 years ago

I always feel like an abused victim when dealing w...

I always feel like an abused victim when dealing with this nonsense faux company called Gloucester City Council. You are made to feel insignificant, unimportant and stupid. I got pushed from pillar to post and given a different number to ring and when someone finally answered the phone, the service I received was so poor it had holes in its shoes.

I was spoken to rudely, treated with a dismissive tone and spoken at in a utterly discourteous fashion like i was putting them out, inconveniencing them and being the unwanted wasp at the council Summer picnic. You can hear the uninterest in the voices on the other end of the phone. You can easily imagine the phone operators eyes rolling back and them shaking their head. All because you had the nerve to ring them up and ask a question or, to try and clarify an answer, which in turn makes them click a few buttons with a mouse and make a few keystrokes on a keyboard, how dare you!

It's beyond shambolic to be made to feel like this. If it was a genuine business that needed to rely on customers returning voluntarily and by choice, then this place would have closed years ago for the lack of any acceptable service, let alone a quality one and it would be for the betterment of humanity I am willing to suggest, if it had of disappeared into the abyss of bad business and services.

There was one saving grace. I luckily came across a really good and genuine employee. He actually seemed to care about doing a good job. He had a good and helpful can do attitude and was empathetic to my frustrations created by the Council and their years of abject complacency and feckless mistakes over the space of two years. I later learned he was a former military man and carried his sense of duty and respect outside of the forces into civilian life, working there i still think he should be considered a trooper. The council and its fetid air of disgustingly poor service aligned with its unique tactic of borderline bullying, spreading fear and malicious intent and in my experience, all because of an error on their own part which i was able to tease out of them. .

Yes, you read correctly, Gloucester City Council are able to make mistakes, the veil of infallibility slipped from it's Gorgonesque physiognomy to reveal the true face of horror and so shocked was I at this admittance of fault and neglect, i almost turned to stone standing in my kitchen with a phone headset next to my ear. My worry for this gentleman is, that one good apple in the apple cart doesn't have the ability to turn all of the rotten apples good again, sadly it much more likely that he becomes henpecked into line, rank and file like the majority of other Gloucester City Council workers.

I do hope that this one quality employee with an infectious good will and positive attitude manages to overcome the odds and prove the proverbs wrong, and is able to permeate and pervade his character to every other employee of Gloucester City Council, but whilst i hold on to that slither of hope, i will not be holding my breath for fear of a self imposed suffocation.

I honestly do not look forward to having to go through this or something similar all over again next year. As it seems to be an ongoing trend of mistakes that occur annually, through no fault of my own that Gloucester City Council have the ability of creating, generating, producing and manufacturing. I suppose at this point I should really just be glad that at the very least, they've actually made something on their own, shamefully it's on par with what a small child makes. Very dirty, smelly and needs an adult to clean it up.


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