Brent LeClair

3 years ago

I have been waiting in their ED for two hours with...

I have been waiting in their ED for two hours with a broken arm. Still haven't been seen.

Eventually after about 3 1/2 hours I was finally treated. X-rays showed my wrist was broken in five different places. The doctor that finally saw me said there was no nurse to watch me so they CAN'T give me any medicine for my SHATTERED wrist. Ended up being there for 5 hours with nothing more than a warm (no longer frozen, had to ask 3 times for a new one that never came) ice pack for the pain.

I could have splinted the arm myself, I can't prescribe pain medicine. I went to the ER to get help with a shattered wrist. I left with nothing more than a splinted arm. Very little value in going to the this ER. If there is a "next time" I think I'll skip ER, so at least I'll save my time and money.

There isn't another option in Northern Arizona if you require serious care. Avoid this place if your injury or sickness is not life threatening, or if you have any other option.


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