Anthony Murphy

3 years ago

We had our child here for TWO days. He s 3 years o...

We had our child here for TWO days. He s 3 years old and has been in daycare previously. We had to potty train him prior to him starting so for the past three weeks we have worked with him to be able to get him back into daycare since I started a new job. With that being said on his first day of daycare 4 hours into it Becky calls and basically belittles me because my son took his shoes off inside the classroom and called him immature for doing so and was very aggressive towards the fact he can t put his shoes on and tie them. Well Becky I m sorry my child was taught to take there shoes off when coming inside and please show me a child who just turned 3 in September that can take there shoes off and put them back on and tie them properly. I ll wait... Anyways, she proceeds to say that he should know how to pull his pants up and down by himself when going to the potty. Yea I can agree with that to a certain extent. He s only been potty trained for about three weeks so it s still a new thing to him. But you knew that prior to us signing up and you said it s okay as long as he gets the gist of it we ll help him and we take bathroom breaks every hour. So after lunch time Becky calls and informs me that my child has SERIOUS discipline issues that we need to work on. That during lunch and after lunch during quiet time he wouldn t be quiet and it was a disturbance to the classroom. Well once again I understand that but it s his first day and obviously he doesn t know any better. I guess that s a shame on me as a parent at the fact we don t have quiet time. So I pick him up from his first day and something just didn t seem right. Like I said he s been to daycare previously and normally he s very talkative wants to go eat Chick-fil-A. I proceed to try and push for him to talk and he s just very grumpy, not talkative, didn t want to eat. I just found it weird. So moving onto day number 2. We eat breakfast prior to showing up. Walk in the building and the back door with the keypad was held open with a door stop, I take him to the classroom talk to the teacher and told her that he had already ate she said okay he can color and sits him down with crayons and paper. I m getting ready to leave and I hear a voice say NO WERE COLORING SIT DOWN and about that time I turned around and watched Becky snatch my child s arm and sit him down as he started to ball his eyes out and then Becky says NO CRYING BIG KIDS DONT CRY . I should have took him right then and there but unfortunately I don t have any other child care. I called a few hours later to see how he was doing and Becky says hold on let me check. She s comes back on the phone and states that my child is a cry baby and that he s pooped his pants and is uncontrollable. Well at this point I ve already found a different daycare to enroll him in and head to pick him up at 4 and let me just tell you the moment I walked In the door there was confrontation immediately. Was trying to talk to the teacher with all the NEGATIVE THINGS my child did that day. Not a single positive thing. Becky kept interrupting Which I found very rude after the fact she called my child uncontrollable and she s basically doing the same thing. No more then two minutes into the conversation Becky says your child is not welcome back and I ll refund your money and proceeds to slam the door in my face. But in the handbook it states that they ll give your child a two week period to adjust. That was not the case obviously. I wish I could say something good about this facility but honestly I can t. Come to find out I know someone who has worked here previously for 7 years and they said it was never like that before. I left a review yesterday when all this happened but Becky got it deleted and I m sure this will be deleted as well. But at the end of the day I have filed a complaint with the division of child care services, and with social services. I don t know how this lady still has a business when I know we re not the only one to have issues as you can read in other comments it truly amazes me. 0 stars for me!


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