4 years ago

I just got my US Visa approved. Here's what I can ...

I just got my US Visa approved. Here's what I can share:
1. There's no parking. Best to get someone to drop you off / take a Grab
2. When you arrive at the front gate, you will see people likely in a queue. The left one is for people registering at the guardhouse. Produce your passport/IC (both if your local) and your appointment confirmation. Once done, proceed to the right queue. Try not to get annoyed, the guards aren't the most friendly.
3. Once you enter the security room, they will screen your bag. You will need to surrender all electronic items (hand phone, laptop, cables, etc). Proceed to the waiting room.
4. You will be waiting in the waiting room for a while, at least an hour. There's a TV in there but that's abt it. So bring a book if you'd like to amuse yourself. Also, best to bring a bottle of water along as you'll likely get thirsty. Someone also comes along to sell water and snacks. There's a toilet.
5. During the interview, there's not much. Just answer the questions honestly and clearly. It's quick and don't need to imagine some sort of interrogation in a room. The whole thing probably lasts 3-5mins at most.
Hope it helps


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