David von Dadelszen

3 years ago



I was a recent client of Communicate; Nick Christodoulou being my contact.

I was initially very pleased with his service, delivering a quality candidate to me, who has fitted in superbly to our business. However; 3 months after the candidate joined, the candidate told me Nick had been emailing him, pitching him other jobs. Fortunately, the canidate is engaged, and enjoying his role enough to laugh (wryly) about the situation.

Unsurprisingly, I am less amused. This is pond life behaviour. I will call people out for fantastic service regardless of industry; and must do the same in such circumstances as this.

Perhaps this is a one-off at the individual, rather than firm level. In my experience however, such behaviours are typically representative of the wider organisation. As such I can only suggest that if you are hiring: AVOID COMMUNICATE AT ALL COSTS.


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