Sutopo Gae

4 years ago

Good morning

Good morning
Slmat on the move
Please, sir
It's timeless.

Let me introduce you
my name: sutopo
I am a vendor / contractor
Contract and freelancers.

In this opportunity
I want to offer
Services as a vendor in your company.

As for the type of work
I want to offer
1 painting service 2 tall buildings
2 cleaning / cleaning on the outside
3 repair acp or sealen.
As for other types of work related to tall buildings, please.
Contact me I am ready to work as a vendor ..

Method of work implementation
We are ordinary
Put on
Gondola plane.
Roop access
Skapolding according to area ..
Tlvon 082276474989
Wa 0895345688755

For your attention and cooperation
I would like to express my gratitude

Yours sincerely: sutopo


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