Dharmidasa Dharmi

3 years ago

The (accelerated) nursing program here is absolute...

The (accelerated) nursing program here is absolutely atrocious. Not because of the subject matter or work load but because the women who administer the program and a large number of the instructors they have hired are vicious, toxic, evil and/or incompetent.

Our advisor is a pompous, incompetent buffoon who, despite her doctoral degree, probably has IQ of about 90, bullies students regularly, and yet has been there for 25 years. Most students avoid her like the plague. One classmate told me, "She has too much power over me. It is very scary." Others have talked about how very unhelpful she consistently is and how almost all of her communications contain wrong or inadequate information. She hires the clinical instructors and then apparently encourages them to be harsh and punitive toward students. Together, they create a terrible, hostile clinical atmosphere in which it is hard to focus on learning.

The head of the department is a complacent Pollyanna who sweeps problems under the carpet and lacks moral discernment and backbone to stop the bullying by firing bad eggs and properly training instructors. She seems to automatically side with the instructor or administrator even when they are obviously engaged in abuse of students (How convenient for her! Rocking the boat would make unpleasant waves! Who cares if mere students suffer!).

Many of the clinical instructors, who are given absolute power over students, are extremely petty as well as moral and intellectual mediocrities who lack conscience and who bully and mistreat students, using unnecessary threats, fear and intimidation. Some of them lie and make false accusations to hurt students. They threaten to fail you in the class based on very minor or inflated errors simply because they can--even though this would put a student in extreme jeopardy and could destroy his or her life because it would force the student to wait a whole year to continue in the program and meanwhile, the loans are ticking away or could be lost, with no job on hand...And yet the administrators never question the mindset or stop the aggressive actions of clinical instructors before they go too far in their abuse of students--this even though bullying by nurses is a widespread and known problem.

Only one out of four of my clinical instructors so far has been a normal, decent human being. The others are very nasty pieces of work indeed.

Make no mistake. I am not kidding when I say that a great many of these women are deeply evil. They are not normal human beings but demonic freaks of nature.

This nursing school is a nightmare. Go elsewhere! Or better yet, choose a different career because nursing is chock-full of truly nasty, vicious individuals.

Addition: Try to comprehend the depth of their hypocrisy: They close the links for evaluating classes and instructors BEFORE final grades are posted. Think about that for a minute: You have been bullied and abused all semester and now when you have the chance to express your disgust, they time the availability of the evaluation link so that you fear a bad grade in retaliation for honesty. They make students feel powerless. They thus intentionally discourage really honest criticism, anything that reflects badly on them. So, they have no sincere interest in improving things. The quality of instruction ranges from mediocre to disastrous.

Addition: If you are a person with any spiritual or noble sensibility, stay away from GMU. A preponderance of administrators and instructors are evil people--deeply vicious, emotionally disconnected, hypocritical, insincere, lazy, nasty and morally repugnant. I call them evil.


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