Iesha Travis

4 years ago

This place was very good to work at when Dario was...

This place was very good to work at when Dario was our supervisor but soon as they did a switch to Martha C. and Also other supervisors on Monday morning is very disrespectful and rude and pick at you for no reason and everything changed when martha came with the worst additude and very rude and would watch us for minutes to make us nervous and telk us to work faster and fater and like we was slaves and yes she is very racist over 100 people either got fired or quit and out of the 5 months I been there she has only been our supervisor for a month and every weekend many people complain to me about her and say she is very mean and they want to change shifts so I'm the shoulder to lean on and I still say good things about her like things will get better and maybe she is just going thru stuff and everyone said no she is always like that and that they knew her because they worked with her for a couple years and still I defended her and told everyone to just stay calm and do what she say and they cry to me say she hurt they feelings and she snatched a basket out of this guys hands this saturday and was very mean about it and he was so mad i saw the look on his face he told me how hard she snatched it and he left off the shift because he was super surprised about what she did and even people that been with the company for over 10 to 18 years complain to me about her and over 7 times she has been rude to me and pulled me to the side once two weeks ago around 630am after a 12hr shift just to say I didn't try something the way she told me to when I did but she said I only did it for 5 minutes and before that I told her I didn't bring my glasses and couldn't see too good and she said well do it anyway and kept standing over me watching me and pilled work on me that was for over 4 people to do and I did it anyway and alot of people felt sorry for me and came to help me when she left because they knew it was a 4 person job in assembly but I never argue with her or complain and still she picked on me saying I could talk to people but we have to rush and we still never said anything and did what she said and she still looked at me mean every time she saw me and I think it was a very racist situation and I told her can I get the number to HR once and she never gave it to me so I never did anything about it and this morning she got me fired and they said the reason was I was not listening to leads and all of our leads Bertha and Marjorie love me and knows I do anything they say and every single lead talked about how she is rude to them too so trust me what she did is wrong and I can say alot more but I have all of it written down with dates to show because what she been doing to everyone is wrong even a new girl who started this Saturday was ready to quit because of her now if over 100 people quit in the last month and every single person who works there talks about her then this is a huge problem and this situation needs to be handled right away because u can't bully people or discriminate against black and other races just because u are a supervisor for and before I left everyone wanted me to sign a petition to get rid of her and I said no she don't need to lose her job I was still taking up for her and look how she did me and I never disrespected her or anyone if u ask anyone on my shift they will say I slaved for that job and trained all the new people and that's not my job but they asked me to.... I hope justice is served because black lives and other lives do matter....this is not right and I have many witnesses


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