Anonymous H

4 years ago

This is the questions from their survey

This is the questions from their survey
1. I was encouraged to help myself & ask others to help me?
no encouragement whatsoever
2. I was informed of my rights.
no information was provided to me verbally. There are posters on the wall that briefly go over some of your rights but no one to talk to you if you have further questions.
3. I felt safe while I was here.
no.before you are admitted you're in a lobby packed with people of all severity of mental problems for several hours with no information provided. Only supervision provided is through camera.
4. The environment was clean and comfortable.
clean yes, comfortable no. You spend most of your time in these chairs. No laying reclining, or bed for 15 hours. No couches. I spent a lot of the time on the floor trying to catch extra sleep from being woke up at 7am & not being permitted bed until 10:30
5. Staff was sensitive to my language culture and spiritual needs.
the staff is anything except sensitive. They all seem miserable and overwhelmed with paper work. You rarely get to talk to someone at all. When they do speak to you they are brief and treat you like a chore.
6. I was satisfied with the food.
absolutely not. I didn't eat for almost a week. No one even noticed my lack of consumption. I only survived because I ate dry cereal out of the pantry.It wasn't that the food wasn't prepared decently it was the quality of the food. Prisoners probably get fed better food.
7. The group Therapies where helpful to me.
no. Most of people I spoke to said they fake it until they get out. The therapist leading the group look like they're boring themselves. Very little interaction between the therapist and the patients. Also the hospital will look at it as refusing treatment if you do not participate in these uncaptivating groups that bore you to sleep.
8. I had input in my treatment plan goals.
no you have zero input in anything you do there. They don't have treatment plan goals they give you basic generalized information that they provide to anyone and everyone. All the information I was provided could be read on a poster board & the health department.
9. I was satisfied with the unit / program staff
absolutely not most of them where unknowledgeable and very rarely could provide the same information.they speak down to everyone & are rarely seen outside of the office. When asking for basic necessities it's not provided to you in a timely manner(if they remember to give it to you at all) and usually is accompanied with a foul attitude.
10. I was satisfied with my physician
no although you see them almost every day they are brief & unpersonable. You are treated like a number & provided generalized mental health treatment. They are quick to shove medications into you & also quick to change them. They usually ask you 1or 2 questions & provide you with very little information about your future treatment or stay at that hospital.
11. I was treated with dignity & respect
i was a prisoner wearing my own clothes My week stay was the most traumatizing event I've ever endured. I was spoke down to & treated poorly by most of the staff. My family had a hard time getting information on my rights or well being.
12. I feel better now than when I was admitted.
never in my life have i ever been so depressed like i was when i was detained at this hospital. All i wanted to do was sleep. I felt so down i couldn't barely lift my head to eat or use the restroom. Being at this hospital worsen my condition & traumatize me & my family.
13. I understand what my medications do & why / how I should take them.
no. No information provided what so ever. Patient exchange it theirselves
14. I understand the importance of following my discharge plan
your discharge plan pawns you off on a different provider & prescribes you a week worth of medicine.
15. Overall I was very satisfied with my treatment.
I would recommend this facility to someone needing treatment.
NO it's a prison without handcuffs.


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