TriPhotography ElegancePhotography

4 years ago

We were looking for a nice night out!

We were looking for a nice night out!
Not hungry or anything. We ordered two 10 ounces stake and one 6 ounce. And another dish. My wife asked for onion rings. She was told that is an up charge. "That is fine" she said.
Took too long to bring the food. Our little son got cranky while waiting, so we took him outside to chill.
A different waitress delivered the food. We asked if these were 2x10 once and 1x6 ounce. They all appeared to be same cut, the waitress said they all look same small size to her. She said they look like all 6 ounces. We said that is fine, we can just use 6 ounces so long we are charged accordingly. When our main waiter came, we explained to him what happened, but, to our surprise, since we already started eating our food and he cannot determine what happened, instead of confirming what was stated, he said, I am calling my manager!! in a way we felt he was saying: my manager will have to deal with you! When the manager came, he tried to explain to us how a 10 ounces of stake will shrink after cooked to look like a six. Then he also said, he checked and they were all tens, this explains why he was not busy explaining how much a six ounce stake will shrink! Now, here is the manager, not well informed. Trying to explain to us, what he does not know, yet making things worse!! much worse! he is now telling us they were all ten ounces each! but we ordered 2x10 and 1x6. When we explained to him what have happened, now, he is telling us that he will charge us for 6 ounces, in a way that, in order for him to keep the peace, he will charge us for six, as if he is giving us free meat! To make things even yet worse, he said he would also give us desert! as if we are out for free stuff. In the mean time, the onion rings that require up charge, did not make it with the meal, so we said, if they are sure of what they are doing, how come they did not even serve us the "up charge" onion rings. The waiter brought them out, and in a way he showed it as if he said "here is your onion rings!" we look like we are having a hell of a good time! One more thing, I did not even want to look at the bill. I wanted to just pay and high tail it out of there! My son said that they also charged us $1.99 that we did not order. Something has to do with my son pushing a button on the touch screen they put on the table. Anyway, I paid whatever charge they stuck to us. Added a hefty tip and will never again visit that dump. I have to give it to the manager who tried to make good on something going terribly wrong, but, without the proper information, made things much worse!


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