Karen Lockwood

4 years ago

7/17/14 Outrageously loud music played outdoors f...

7/17/14 Outrageously loud music played outdoors for four hours not ending until 11 p.m.
disturbing the peace to the point that countless residents of Del Mar within many blocks could
not sleep or enjoy their homes even indoors. The inappropriately loud music began again in the evening on 7/18/14.

L'Auberge is an asset to the community but is, in this case, being an inconsiderate neighbor to hundreds in this little town.

After calling the hotel on 7/17 and twice getting the unhelpful response from two female employees "We always have this event once a year." I wrote the response above. After that I once more called reaching an employee named Mac. He listened, understood the problem, said he'd speak to the managment team and suggest that the music be in a room without the doors to the outside open. Within a half hour the music could no longer be heard and this side of town could sleep. We thank Mac for his quick and skillful resolution for this problem.


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