Azarial R

3 years ago

My daughter has learned more in one year attending...

My daughter has learned more in one year attending Foothills Academy than she did in the previous 5 years of public school combined. At the end of grade four she could barely add, couldn't write anything other than a simple sentence of three to four words, and couldn't use punctuation at all, and was only able to read picture books. And don't get me started on subtraction, multiplication and division. She cried every day when she got home and was showing signs of depression and anxiety over going to school. And the CBE said she didn't qualify for testing, when we got her tested and found that she has three learning disabilities they didn't provide the supports listed in her IPP. So we pulled her from the CBE and put her into Foothills Academy at the start of grade five.

She is now in grade six, so has been at the school for one year, she is on the third Harry Potter novel, can add, subtract, multiply and divide, as well as knows decimals, fractions etc. She is starting to understand grammar and spelling. And is HAPPY, she loves this school, loves the teachers, and loves the other students. I think the results say it all, this school is an amazing place for kids with learning disabilities.


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