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4 years ago

I was Shift Lead at the South Lakeland Florida Sto...

I was Shift Lead at the South Lakeland Florida Store. The General Manager at this store was clueless as to The Federal labor law in Florida. Here's why. My wife was pregnant at the time everyone knew at my job since 6 months back and i had discussed it with my gm that i would need time off if any emergency arose. Well, that day came my wife 9 months pregnant was in terrible pain, having contractions back to back and was worried she was going to have the baby. So she contacted me to come get her so we can drop off the kids to her sister and go to the hospital. I reached out to my GM which didn't seem to care at all even though She was already in the store on the clock with plenty of employees to have shift covered. Unfortunately, she was a lazy manager with little to no respect for her employees. So, she told me i had to wait until she found someone to cover my shift. Let me remind you my wife is at home in pain possibly about to have our new born. Me being a good employee to an ungrateful employer i waited. She got a hold of someone and wanted me to stay until the got there, i reminded her that she only asked me to stay until she found someone to cover my shift, but now she wanted me to stay until they got there. I apologized and reminded her that the safety of my family was the upmost importance. I ran home and had to drop off my other kids with family that was staying in Orlando another 45 mins from the house which could've been saved if i had left when she had called me. We ended up having the baby later that day in Winnie Palmer hospital in Orlando. I reached out to the GM and gave her an update told her i most likely would not be able to come out to work for the next couple of days since it was a far trip from Orlando to lakeland. I would call up to work for for three days telling the manager on shift at that time, giving them an update of my situation. We leave Orlando and get back home i reached out to Taco Bell again and this time i speak to an assistant which tells me that i'm going to be written up because i didn't speak to the gm about my situation. Ok so this was ridiculous i went up to work to speak to the GM which avoided me didnt want to speak to me didnt want to clear up things nothing was resolved she sent her 2 assistance to write me up and to give me a final warning . Which i refused to sign until i spoke with the GM which never happened i told the assistance to tell her that i am going to take time off to bond with my daughter and let things cool down. I was off the scheduled for a week and so i took advantage to bond with my new born. I reached out to HR here in Luihns Food explaining my situation. No one never responded i called multiple times i was told they would look into it and nothing. Well, remember i was off of the schedule for the week they had changed it last min and put me on for Saturday which no one updated me on and was only told later by an employee that there was rumor that i was fired from Taco Bell. So i reached out to the GM with no success spoke to the assistance manager told me that supposedly i had quit and that i was ineligible to be rehired. Thank You Luihns for having such a wounderful HR team that doesn't care about anything,This was a serious matter, that violated Federal labor laws they better be grateful i didn't look for an attorney and gotten a lawsuit off of them.


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