Catherine E

3 years ago

I'm going to be upfront and give my view from a pe...

I'm going to be upfront and give my view from a perspective that may be quite different to others who rent mid-market properties from management companies like Lowther Homes. Having rented from a Housing Association for 28 years with relatively good customer service but which years of antisocial behaviour failed to be resolved and a couple of other challenges, we needed a move. A desperate attempt on Edinburgh's EdIndex housing list meant the wait would be long. As we're a working household mid-market made sense with a speedier move.

A year in and really all you're getting from Lowther Homes is a glorified key holder. 50% of repairs remain unresolved. Communication is poor, inconsistent and lacks significant knowledge of the housing stock that they look after. The Handbook was full of inaccuracies, starting with 'your housing officer will show you round your property'. Well, that would have been a good start if it had happened. The customer service telephone line and online portal are pretty useless. 9/10 they never get back to you and when they do, they have often failed to understand the issues you are raising, preferring to ignore anything that's too difficult to deal with. The stair cleaning is dreadful, every 4-6 weeks for 5-10 minutes!

As for Edinburgh City Council's housing build programme, the failure isn't in the insulation, design or facilities of the new builds as these are excellent standards. What leaves to be desired is sound proofing (we've been subjected to two young children above us jumping around, sending vibrations and banging throughout our property all throughout lock down - night and day) and sub-standard finishing. e.g. unfinished outside space which is unsecure and a 2 inch gap under the front door are some examples. CEC then get media coverage spouting rhetoric via Convenor Kate Campbell as of we're somehow meant to be grateful for a roof over our heads. I can assure you, life is so much more.

As a result, we shall be moving on in a few months.


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