8 months ago


I have been under the Care of Livecare Health for over a year now. Diane Rae has been my health coach and I have to say she is the BEST THING that has happened to me. I started out as pre diabetic in 2021 and 2022 and was watched very closely.
Then in January and February of this year, everything due with my HEALTH went crazy. From blood pressure to blood sugar being 376, A1C being. 8.7. With the help of my Dr of course and the close monitoring of Livecare, Diane Rae, I am a new person now. Being on medication, has helped bring my blood sugar down to 5.7 in August from 8.7 in February. My weight is down 40 pounds, and my blood pressure in also down and medications reduced dramatically. I have so much energy now. I can walk over 2.5 miles without getting shortness of breath. I can say this is the best thing I have done is to be part of this program. I test faithfully, every day. I need to say, the other day, my sugar was low, 60. I said to myself, oh no, they are going to call. Before i was out of my chair, i received a call. The ALERT TEAM ASKED IF I WAS, OK? they told me to drink orange juice and recheck in ten minutes. I did what they told me to do. In the 10 minutes my sugar went up to 125. Diane was not on the day of the low blood sugar. Diane took the time to call me yesterday to make sure i was ok. that is the type of people that work for Livecare. So, if you had any questions, I think I covered it all for you. I love the Newsletters that get sent out as well. Great information on them as well. I hope ever one stays HEALTHY. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO CONTACT THE.


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