Maddie Smith

3 years ago

The Most ignorant, incompetent, unprofessional and...

The Most ignorant, incompetent, unprofessional and Narcissistic Security Guard that I have ever encountered.....and during a medical condition none-the-less! I was wandering around the parking garage under the Main Place Mall for probably 1 1/2hrs in the HOT and HUMID weather trying to find my car with my nephew. I have a recent heart condition, Lymphoma /Leukemia, anxiety, and surely some dehydration and exhaustion from the prolonged heat exposure. I was light headed and a little confused. I was having some chest pain and some shortness of breath, not to mention excessive sweating.
When we couldn't get any help from the parking attendant, we went into the Main Place Mall to try and get help/advice, cool down in the a/c and hydrate in hopes of getting rid of my light headedness and get clear headed.
We approached 3 male Security Guards who were standing in a circle talking. I told them that I'm having trouble finding my car in the garage. We've been walking around in the heat for 1 1/2hrs with no luck. The head Security Guard said that he can't help us. It's not his job. The other 2 security guards were more helpful with advice on back Tracking. I told them about my medical conditions and that I wasn't feeling well. I said that I really need something to drink and to cool down in the a/c for a bit. The Caucasian Security walked us to the Dollar Store. As I was waiting in line to buy our drinks,my lightheadness went to dizziness. I had to hold on to the counter to stop the room from spinning. My nephew said that he felt like he was still moving like in the elevator. Both signs of dehydration and prolonged heat exposure. We left the store with our drinks and I told my nephew that I really needed to sit down. I was dizzy and had some pressure on my chest. No sooner do we sit down on an EMPTY stairway, in an EMPTY mall, that same Head Security Guard walks up to us and tells us that we have to get off the stairs now. I told him that I was light headed and had a heart condition and Cancer. Did he call for medical help? NO Did he even ask if I need medical help? NO I asked him to just give me 2 minutes to catch my breath, get hydrated, and cool down my temperature. He did NOT care. He ordered us to get off the stairs a.s.a.p. or he'll get in trouble with his boss. Note....there are absolutely NO benches in this empty mall for the non-existent Customers to sit. If there were, I would NOT have had to seek refuge on the EMPTY stairway. I can explained my medical conditions and told him that he doesn't know how to do his job and that he is of absolutely no help. I started to cry from exhaustion, frustration, fear that my medical condition will get worse, and yes, even desperation. We left and walked around the parking garage in the heat and humidity for another hour before calling my fiance' to come help us. Since he had a big truck, he couldn't enter the garage but got me to sit in the a/c in his truck to cool down and calm down. I was not myself. I was not thinking straight. I was still lighted and had some tightness in my chest. I swear....AGAIN...as soon as I sat in my fiance's truck to cool in the a/c, here comes that very same security guard. He was looking right at me...targeting me. He told us to move the truck. He saw me in the camera mounted on the building. Mind you..We were not blocking anything or anyone. We asked him just let us sit here for 5min so I can get out of the heat and call the police to help me. Which I did do. He said no..move it now before I get in trouble with my boss. Seeing that I wasn't getting anywhere's with idiot whose job is to HELP people, my fiance' tried using a calmer approach to no avail. The security guard said that I shouldn't be upset because he isn't allowed to help me find my car I told him that I am not upset about that. I am upset because I was having a medical condition and you chase us out of the mall and now you Target me sitting here for a mere minute. We moved and after I called the police, I went back in the garage and there was my vehicle floor 2, orange Q


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