Levi Stewart

3 years ago

Security almost killed us. My partner and I are ne...

Security almost killed us. My partner and I are new to the state and decided to go for a day drive up to Big Sky. After a couple wrong turns after going through the town center, we ended up lost on one of the windy roads going towards the ski resorts. I put on my GPS, Waze, to guide us back to town. Unfortunately, it sent us through private property that belonged to the Yellowstone club. While there is a checkpoint, the GPS guided us through the bypass just to the left of it. I assumed it was ok, because not realizing exactly how bougie the club was, I thought the checkpoint was just for parking or for tickets, not to actually proceed driving (there were no gates). I didn't know that all the roads past the checkpoint were private property, seeing as there was only a sign that said, "The Yellowstone Club Welcomes You". There was nothing visible about trespassing or about the bypass being an exit only. About a mile into the clubs roads, the GPS had us turn onto Moose Lake Rd. We were barely 500 feet down the road before a truck comes barreling down behind us. They didn't honk or flash their headlights. We though it was a crazy impatient driver, so we slowed down and got over as best we could. He passes us, veering us almost off the road and parks right in front of us, blocking the road. At this point, we see that it is a security guard getting out. He demands our ID and tells us this is property. We told him we were lost and were trying to get back to town. He saw we had our GPS on, but didn't seem to care. He told us to turn around and he would follow us out. Keep in mind this is a frighteningly high up and narrow road with no guardrails, but instead of guiding us to a safe spot to turn around, he insists we do it there. Once back to the checkpoint, I stopped to tell him that although i appreciated his position, we were truly lost and not trying to trespass, and that the way he ran us down was probably not the safest. Instead of apologizing for his overzealousness, he just responded that we were on private property and needed to leave now. It was clear that we were persona non grata and beneath him and his precious club. Look, I get it, there are the haves and have-nots, and I know which side I belong to. That's not my beef with this guy. But, I don't care how much you value the security of this place, my safety is just as important as that of the people he is supposedly protecting from lowlifes like me. His approach was unacceptable, and needs to be careful or someone could die. Get a grip dude.


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