Will Zweig

4 years ago

I'm a current tenant in a CWD-manage building. Fol...

I'm a current tenant in a CWD-manage building. Following a string of incidents over the last few weeks (package thefts, poor building maintenance, solicitors roaming the halls...), I reached out to the new building manager voicing some concerns, offering my assistance, and offering a few easy, cheap suggestions that might help improve the situation (ie. advising the postal workers to place packages on a different wall, out of sight for those outside the building). I also asked that the management review the security tapes from the TWO cameras we have pointing at mailboxes and elevators.

These types of e-mails can be annoying, I recognize that, so I tried to be as informative and calm as I could. I thought I did a good job too. Unfortunately, when she got back to me 10-days after I wrote her, I was left feeling let down and like the management company did not have time for the concerns of its building's renters nor was concerned about holding themselves accountable for what happens in a building they manage. I was fed lines like "due to the age of our security camera equipment, the system glitched and no image was available" (the building is less than ten years old) and informed that I should not reach out to the management company, but inefficiently go through my landlord instead. Essentially, she asked me to go through a middle-person who would then relay the SAME exact message to her.

All in all, the entire experience left a very sour taste in my mouth, and lot to be desired in terms of improvement not only within the building, but from the company in charge of keeping it a nice place to live.


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