Danica Wittman

4 years ago



We have been coming to this store every Christmas season for the last 5 years. We've have spent a great deal of money on their OVERPRICED ornaments each year because we love to support local business until this year when we were followed by (who I am assuming is the store owner). He then proceeded to tell me to not let my CALM and WELL BEHAVED daughter touch anything cause everything is breakable and he just stood there and watched to see if I would say something to my daughter (who was barely touching anything anyways, because I dont want her to break anything!! We respect other peoples property). I could understand the "stalking" and even the correction if my daughter was running in circles, knocking over ornaments, and not listening to me but THAT WAS NOT THE CASE. Perhaps this store should have a sign saying children NOT welcome.

But we're happy to take our business elsewhere where there isnt a grinch that appears around every corner. Merry Christmas folks!


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