
Review of Sunrise RTC

4 years ago

In 2012 after over a decade of therapy and struggl...

In 2012 after over a decade of therapy and struggling with anxiety and depression i finally reached my breaking point and went to Sunrise. After 8 months i had done a 180 and they saved my life. 4 years after graduating I have been off my medicine for about 2 years, out of therapy for a year, and no longer struggling with suicidal or cutting urges. My anxiety disorders have all but disappeared and my depression rarely shows it's face. They made all the difference in the world and I recommend all the InnerChange programs, especially Sunrise!!!

Edit: I have now been out of Sunrise for 6 years, I have been off meds and out of therapy for about 4 years now and i am still doing amazing. I'm graduating technical school and doing really well. Without Sunrise I know I wouldn't be alive right now, they are incredible and i'm so grateful my parents sent me there.

For all of those negative one star reviews, parents, please don't listen to these. These are teens who decided to fight the system and didn't get the help they needed. I never found anything truly wrong with Sunrise, there was miscommunication occasionally between the staff, we had some ramen explode in the microwave once, I sprained my wrist, and there was definitely drama in the house (36 teen girls with mental health issues in one house, it can't be avoided) they can't be perfect, but they don't neglect or abuse your child like many therapeutic boarding schools or residential treatment centers do. It's tough and i will be the first to admit it, it's not fun and there are a lot of times it sucks, your daughter isnt going there to have fun, that's why for a long time a lot of girls resent the program. But the factor is, if your daughter is struggling so hard that you don't know if you can keep her safe, send her to an Innerchange program. (Sunrise's parent program, the sister program is New Haven around Salt Lake City). There are so many programs out there that have legitimate abuse and neglect allegations, nothing like that ever happened at Sunrise and I havent heard of it happening at any other Innerchange program. There are so many girls that I know that have gone through that program that are now doing amazing things. It is a last resort option, and your daughter may resent you for the first while, but it's worth it in the end, and if you send your daughter to an InnerChange program you will be able to sleep with peace of mind that they are safe and being taken care of.

Also, it is better to send your child to a program that is a few states away, you don't need to be visiting them constantly, too many visits can be counter productive, and if they are too close to home and they (somehow, it's rare at Sunrise) run away, they can fall back to old habits and negative people who will help them "escape" the program and it can turn out to be much worse.


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