Luke Zivanov
Review of Guy and Oneil

3 years ago

loaded us with 47k, LOL, go around this place

loaded us with 47k, LOL, go around this place

7/16 edit
So here is the news
We were loaded on fridat just before closing, so we had to wait till monday, we came back there was 3 more trucks with a same problem. Shipper is refusing to unload to legal weight, insted they wanna take only one pallet of. Broker is being super jerky also, they wanna pay some stupid layovers only if we haul it like that, which is illegal to do, if we request to take whole freight we wont get paid nothing, 3 days lost. So we are in a postition take illegal freight or dont get paid anything. We are of course gonna take all off, but just letting you know guys DO NOT load here.
On friday once we were being loaded guy came back with same issue, and shipper told him dont have time now come back on monday, and he probably assumed no one is gonna wait till monday, so that is the trick they are playing load you overwight and hope you will go like that, super bad place to go.


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