3 years ago

What about this fantastic group?

What about this fantastic group?
For a week I have owned the house of my dreams.
I have known Andrea for about 2 years, an exceptional person and a true professional in his work. He followed me in my research even when I asked for his help for properties for sale at other agencies, always giving me excellent advice.
Unfortunately, the solution I was looking for did not seem to exist and I was getting discouraged.
I find a property for sale by a private individual, it is not exactly what I want, but I decide to be satisfied. I contact the owners and propose an amount informally. They put me on hold and the weeks go by. A little tired of waiting, on a boring afternoon I decide to have a look at the ads and here she is ... It's her, I'm sure of it. And who sells it? My favorite real estate agency. I'll call them right away. It's a Tuesday, I want to see the house soon. Irma indulges me in my impetus and immediately contacts the owner. Appointment for Wednesday.
I go in and fall in love. I want that house.
Irma follows me in all subsequent stages with great professionalism. It is always present and available.
It answers my questions, even the silliest ones and clears up doubts and fears.
Everything goes in the right direction. Proposal, appraisal, preliminary, mortgage. In no time we are at the notary's and the house I wanted is mine.
A heartfelt thanks to Irma, Andrea and all the magnificent Prestige group. You are a guarantee for those who want to sell or buy a house.
Thanks again.



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