Emily Kosiczky
Review of Sunrise RTC

4 years ago

I had gone to sunrise and it was awful! The staff ...

I had gone to sunrise and it was awful! The staff force there values onto you, they are very hypocritical and judgmental. when they say that its okay to make mistakes and you make one at this place they will tear you apart until you feel worthless.

There is special treatment for certain girls. Some of the staff have done drugs and are currently drugs while working at sunrise, staff say that its disrespectful to have sexual, naked or half naked photos of yourself and should never post them or have them, when some staff have posed for half naked photo have posted them on there accounts, and have even gone as far as to let the photograph post them. Now I don't care that they do that go ahead what gets me mad is that they are hypocritical about it. They come into work and lie when they also teach you to be truthful. i think that everyone needs to read this part so there are male and female staff. femlae staff are aloud to be alone with the girls however male staff are not so there has to be a female close by when males are working. so there was the one female staff how ever she was not really a female she was a transgender after working there for 8 years she had quit she got arrested for having sex with a minor and is now a sex offender no one new until she/he had gotten arrested. they say that they do background check well they obviously don't so them good enough.

They break you down mentally and emotionally and will put you back together how they want to.

The success rate is very low especially long term. One of the reasons why I was sent there was because my dad and I have a awful relationship while I was there it got better but as soon as I got out it got even worse. People might say that I didn't try but I promise you I tried my hardest however I went back to most of my old ways.

With everything that I had gone though getting put in this place with no choice and having everything taken away from me I would do anything I had to do to get out. i left that place with more PTSD then i went there for.

The only resin why there are so many great reviews are because it all of the staff and the therapists writing them so of course they are all going to have 5 start reviews if you don't send you child there how else are they going to make money.

some good things came out of this place like the tools I've learned. I have become a stronger person from what they put you though.

i felt like i needed to write this because I talked to parents and lied saying how amazing this place was because i was scared to say they truth. because a friend I made said ho awful it was and she got her level dropped for being truthful, something they teach you to be. So try and send your daughter some where close to home because in this thine they need there family close and talk to and see them as much as they can because only getting to talk to you're parent twice a week one for a certain amount of time and the other in therapy isn't enough!


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