Annie Ottesen
Review of Sunrise RTC

3 years ago

First off the most difficult thing I had to admit ...

First off the most difficult thing I had to admit was I am not a bad mother, I just need help in helping my daughter live. We had a beautiful daughter that suffers with depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation. After spending a month in the behaviol health unit, we realized she was going to need to repeat her sophomore year in high school. Also that she was sicker than we could handle.

I went to Sunrise, not knowing what to expect or even understanding exactly what I was looking into. The staff was very welcoming. I thought my daughter was so special that they had never seen another girl like her. Well she is special but at Sunrise, she was just like everyone else there. Young girl with lots of problems.

She hated us when she first got there. In fact she told me that right off the bat. We heard this is a prison, food is the worst, they hate us. My personal favorite you must really hate me if you can leave me here . We got the promise of I wont do anything stupid. Then it was I hate you again. These are all positive signs. Best part, I didn t have to deal with the mood swings and anger. We quickly realized we had her in the right place. I could call everyday if I needed to just to check in on her. She didn t know how much our family was struggling cause we where told all the time just how bad she had it.

It took about 2 months then we got a Thank You for sending me here. They strip these girls of all the things they think they cannot live without. Makeup, curling irons or flat irons, cell phones and computers. They learn that those are privileges and they can earn them, but that comes with hard work. In the mean time you have homework as well. My advice is, if you have other children get in family therapy. If you are married, get in counseling. If you are divorced, learn to coparent. There is something broken in your home. Whether you know it or not, something isn t working. If you think there isn t and you bring your daughter home, then all of her hard work is in jeopardy. She will have some sort of therapy EVERYDAY! How many of you could honestly look inward everyday. The least you can do is work on yourselves.

Our daughter was there 1 yr and 1 week. You see as much as she hated being dropped of there, she was that scared of leaving. Will she make it in the real world. Will the skills they are teaching her really something she can use out of Sunrise. Well I can proudly say Yes for our daughter. She went to Sunrise at the age of 16, possibly repeating her Sophomore year of high school to coming out in Senior classes. If she would have taken Sr. English (like they tried to get her to do) she would have graduated at the end of her Jr year. Sunrise is a school that also offers therapy. She is currently 20 years old. Lives on her own, works full time and attends college part time. Has she used her skills absolutely! Does she still have bad times, absolutely but she doesn t stay down.

I have read most of the reviews that are on the website. These are generally girls that didn t complete the program. Their are bitter and still in the I hate you stage. Our daughter has said, while I would have liked my privileges back sooner, I understand i didn t deserve them. I had work to do instead of trying to BS my way thought it, I needed to do it.

If you are reading this, then you are thinking about sending your daughter here. You have nothing to lose and all to gain. They saved our daughters life. We gave them a VERY broken little girl, they gave us the most amazing young lady. If you have any question for me, please contact Sunrise and they will put you in contact with me. I will always tell you the truth, very much an open book. You are trying to make a very difficult decision. I have walked in those shoes, I understand exactly what you are feeling, thinking and wondering if this will cause more damage then good. My husband felt like a failure, once again, you are not bad parents. You have a daughter that is broken and needs someone who can help her. A good parent gets her help. Best of luck to you and your family


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