3 years ago

Be wary. The allied health instructors, Mariellen ...

Be wary. The allied health instructors, Mariellen Hittner and Leah W, are spiteful and hateful, and teach with anger searing behind their teeth. You can t trust to go to them with a problem if you are a student because they are simply only looking out for themselves and their undeserved paychecks. Also, I heard that Mariellen Hittner once got so angry she almost rammed into a student s car to try and scare them. Obviously, it didn t work because the student was smart enough to realize the sick games she plays. And it goes without saying, that she needs mental help. Possibly even be committed. I advised the student to report Mariellen Hittner. Furthermore, these instructors just exude misery and lash out favoritism. The allied health dept. is headed by a dean, Judith Rex, who is easily swayed and therefore cannot be trusted. She denied a student acceptance
just because they spoke up about being bullied. It is just a fact and I definitely won t be silent about it. And my views won t change until NCC rectifies the mess they created. More to come.


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