Alison G

3 years ago

I am applying as a transfer student from Northern ...

I am applying as a transfer student from Northern Virginia Community College, and it has been nothing but me chasing down administration to make sure all of the paperwork has been processed properly. Every email I have sent the admissions office so far has taken at LEAST two weeks response time, even when I send follow-up emails. They say that their response time is 48 hours, but obviously my experience is nowhere close. It's not the beginning of a semester, it's almost October, so to me it makes no sense that it should be taking so long for a response. I called on the phone, and while the lady was nice, she couldn't provide me any specific information pertaining to MY application. Going in person is horrible because I have to pay for parking, receptionists are rude and act like I'm inconveniencing them, and my questions have been turned away before because I am not a George Mason student. Well, obviously I WANT to be a Mason student, that's why I'm here in the first place! I'm not even going to school here yet and it's already been a nightmare dealing with the administration side of the school. I feel unimportant, not prioritized in the slightest, and a nuisance for wanting to be sure.

UPDATE: Tried to call several times because I was not receiving email responses. Twice, I was on hold for OVER an hour and my phone either died or I had to hang up the phone because I had other things I had to do. Going in person is not convenient for me in any capacity, but I finally went. All I was told was that my transfer application was complete and went through the system... It's also been a week since admissions said they would begin notifying transfer applicants of admission, as Mason students are already registering for classes and I want to secure my spot, too. Radio silence from the admission team. Only email I have received is that my application was received... Which was almost three weeks after I submitted it, by the way.

Currently on hold so I can ask when the admission letters will be administered.

I was finally accepted into the university after I insisted I speak to someone in charge who could actually fix an issue that was never my fault in the first place. So a literal WEEK before classes start, I finally get my damned acceptance. After pulling my hair out, having to call late into work only to be given a shoulder shrug and "there's nothing I can do". I'm going here because it is the most cost effective school for me, so I had no choice but to chase people all over creation. If I had other schools on my lost, I would've turned around long ago because of the absolute nightmare the admissions office has been. I did my part by submitting my application the day that submissions were opened, and I had to wait 3 months for a decision I was told would take 3 weeks. I will get my degree and I sure as hell will not be giving them my money for grad school. All you are is money to them. Another $100k in their pocket. They don't care about you at all.


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