Laura Diaz

4 years ago

(Would rate 2 & 1/2 stars)

(Would rate 2 & 1/2 stars)
Voyage has changed a lot from when I first got there in 5th grade, I feel like it was pretty strict and the whole thing with kippnotizing wasn t useful to a lot of girls, but I m pretty sure they don t do that anymore. I attended KIPP Legacy prior to attending Voyage and both my parents and I can agree that KIPP s values and their motto work hard, be nice has lost meaning over the years. Some teachers genuinely want you to do good and other s are just there because it s their job. Ms. Bell and Ms. Lewis were two of the best teachers that I personally met there and they definitely helped me throughout middle school. As far as sports, the teams aren t the best, but they re fun and help with team bonding. Some students actually want to learn but I personally feel like the students that don t want to learn get in the way of the other s success, which could be aggravating sometimes. Bullying and fights are definitely a thing, but wether you experience it or not really depends on the people that you associate with. One thing that I didn t like when I was there was the dress code on free dress days. Hear me out, I agree that there are some things you just shouldn t wear to school for obvious reasons but one time I wore some jeans with a small rip below the knee, that had a patch under (no skin was showing), and I had to wait in the lobby until my mom brought me another pair of jeans. I understand that they re just trying to enforce the rules but it shouldn t get in the way of my education and cause such a big problem. I missed 2 classes that day and I just thought it was unnecessary. While waiting in the lobby I also saw at least 2 other girls walk in with a rip in their jeans and nothing was said to them. I feel like they need to work on prioritizing more important things. Moving on, they teach algebra 1 in 8th grade which is a high school class so it s cool that you get to earn that credit early and have algebra 2 or geometry in your freshman year. Overall, it s your average middle school.


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