Felicidad Giutirez

4 years ago

Scandalized. The Intrum company is unaware of thes...

Scandalized. The Intrum company is unaware of these files, manipulating people and claiming illegal things.
3 bills from a telephone operator supposedly unpaid for ... 8 years. Total amount of the 3 invoices = 120 euros, to which Intrum adds 80 euros in costs for its intervention. Impossible for me to prove that it is not paid. As there is no enforceable title, this is an amicable debt collection and it is illegal to ask me to pay Intrum's intervention costs which are payable by the telephone operator. . After 2 hours on the phone with the person in charge of my case who denies my rights, I end up sending an email, therefore writing in black and white that in the absence of an enforceable title, it is illegal to ask me for 80 euros in costs, and only the 3 invoices will be paid. I am answered, as if by magic, "ok, but pay in 3 installments, 1 x / month, and before the 5th of the month". I pay before October 5th, before November 5th, and for December, it gets out of my head and I pay a few days late. To my surprise, Intrum telephones me to tell me that since I paid late the last month, the amicable debt collection is no longer applicable and I owe an additional 80 euros. WE MISS MY MOUTH. It is a totally illegal practice! I have already warned the national chamber of judicial officers, the SPF economy service finances, and at the slightest harassment / additional lie on their part, I file a complaint.


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