3 years ago

I have been in chronic lower back pain for the pas...

I have been in chronic lower back pain for the past two years (have 3 bulged discs that cause shooting pain down my leg and foot) and more so recently after an accident at work that pain has increased. I've felt hopeless for the past 2 years because nothing really has worked. I recently started going to see Dr. Francine Dallaire within the past 6 months and I have to say she is the BEST thing that I have come across through my 2 year rehabilitation process! ( Ex. before taking a shower would be the worst part of my day because standing would increase the pain, now I can have a full shower with no pain!!) Dr. Francine's knowledge has helped me learn a lot about the well being of my body, I have learned the importance for those to be proactive by going to the chiropractor even if they do not feel pain necessarily. My experience at the chiropractic center has been very positive and would recommend Dr. Francine to any and everyone. The staff is very friendly in assisting with any questions or concerns you may have and is always done with such passion and care!! Thank you guys for all the great work you do day in and day out, Dr.Francine you really are amazing and I thank you for guiding me through my healing process!!


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