Bill Mitchell

4 years ago

Penrose Hospital - Emergency Room

Penrose Hospital - Emergency Room
I want to thank the Admissions staff, Nurses, Assistants and the Doctor that took care of me early, early this morning. About 2 am, middle of the night, managed to trip and hit my head on the corner of a night stand. I put my hand up to my head felt a lot of liquid, got to bathroom, that was a lot of blood (head wound)
Called out to my wife, she and kids came in fast, saw the situation, a pretty deep cut really bleeding a lot. They got me clean towels, ice pack, called my docor's office, got dr on call, explained situation, he told us to get to the ER asap. Recommended Penrose. Closest to our home. Wife called ER, kids drove me down there, easy to find, parked at ER, went in and they were waiting for me.
Very fast check in, very concerned and comforting. Took me to exam room, got me comfortable and Dr came in met with me, questions about injury, accessed my situation, needing stitches. They got to work on me, entire process about 40 minutes. What a great, caring, qualified staff they were. Extremely nice, concerned, informative and caring. I wish I had gotten their names, but did not have my glasses with me. (plus I was a liitle distraught at the time)
They took excellent care of my injury, left with paperwork, instructions and available if I had any questions or concerns after the procedure. Went in to work today, a little tired, but in good shape! Thank you Penrose Hospital Emergency Room Staff!


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