3 years ago

Seems to be a pretty racist company.

Seems to be a pretty racist company.
Come on mankind in 2016 let's get pass this crap!

A couple of weeks ago Lauryn Colatuno and I started corresponding regarding an opening at Chapel Hill Magazine for a freelance photographer. I own my own business based out of Brooklyn, NY and since moving here a short while ago I am trying to establish myself in the Triangle Market.

Moving forward after several emails back and forth Lauryn and I decided to meet this morning at 11:00am at George s Java in Durham. I had gotten there a bit earlier than she so I waited patiently. About 11:15 Lauryn walks through the door. By then I had already sent her an email let her know that I was waiting. I did not have her cell phone. There were 7 patrons in George s Java, 5 men and two woman. I stood there and watched her ask every male there excuse me are you Sol? When she got to were I was standing right in the center of the floor she simply ignored my somewhat sizable presence and then asked the next male, then she sat down. I then walked out side feeling are you freaking kidding me?

I live the next block over in a brand new apartment complex that has a conference room in the lobby. As I walked a block over to my building I contemplated inviting her there to me. I had already felt a bit humiliated and decided against walking back to George s Java. My conscious wouldn t let me escape not reaching out to her and extending an invitation, so I had sent her two emails. She ignored it.

For my money this short ordeal was blatant racism. Why would it never occur to her that the only black guy/person of color in the place could be the person meeting her. I mean she purposely skipped right over me. This is absolutely disgraceful!
I ve establish some great relationship since moving here like:
Weaver Street Reality, C.A.R.S, Marketing companies, PR companies, etc. But this was first

Since then I've spoken with the owner Dan Shannon a couple of times.
They've agree that something was wrong and have agreed to have another meeting only to repeatedly push the meeting date every time that date grow nearer. Also they expressed at the beginning that they were in desperate need of a photographer to cover their venues then after this mess Dan tells me that there would only be 1 or 2 shoots a month and that it really be worth my time.

Furthermore I've taken the time to see what the demographic's of their staff is and the severe lack of diversity tells the whole story!

If this wasn't backdoor discrimination then I don't know what is!!!


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