3 years ago

Fiction, why did I say fiction?

Fiction, why did I say fiction?
1. Large and small companies are always serious about clearly locating existing locations.
2. The picture also doesn't describe a company.
3. when I open a career website, I am immediately told to fill in the job applicant form. whereas generally in a website there is usually a HOME whose contents are the introduction of the company.
4. When receiving e-mail, we are told to take the test by choosing the closest test location, then the schedule is left to choose, why do questions like this arise? companies usually schedule tests for recruitment not every day please !!!

bottom line:
- If you are curious, please try, then please send your review here
- my advice for job seekers, it is better to search on the website or instragram from @kemnaker. There are usually vacancies from well-known companies. it's better than looking for work on a website that every day there are always job openings.
- be a smart person in finding work ..
- the last one if you want to get money fast, then the system works flexibly, it's better to be an entrepreneur. be it in any field of legal importance. besides we get the reward for having followed part of the sunnah, we also get the pahlah if we open the field of employment ... make Indonesia more advanced with entrepreneurship ... do you really not want to have your own company ??


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