Fatime J

4 years ago



Previously I had some allergic reaction to something (I have never had it before) and I got different types of rashes and in the same time I had stitches in me because I had a few surgeries back in my home country.

They told me off what I am doing there as people die on the corridor and it is not serious in a very-very rude way. I went to Kenton Lane in a walking center (Belmonth health center or whatever its name is.) and there they gave some medicines and I told them about my stitches but they said it was too early to remove them and that they don't have nurses so go to either Edgeware or to the Northwick park hospital on Tuesday.

So, Tuesday has come and I decided to go to the Northwick Park H because it was a lot closer to me than Edgeware. I wish I hadn't gone there though. It was very-very humiliating. They started to ask questions how come that Kenton Lane don't have nurses (as if I was a liar) and they stated (in a very rude manner again) that they do have nurses. I show the small paper what the lady from Kenton gave me. That rude nurse kept asking me what this Kenton lady's name is as she has to tell them to stop sending patients to emergency (Note, there were barely any people in the waiting room maximum 6) and she added that my case is not serious, I should go to the GP etc.
Ok, nursey but whenever I called the GP they give me appointment for 2 weeks later and obviously I don't want to wait that much and 'Kenton lady' told me I can come here too so it is not my fault!! and they handed my case to the receptionist.

The receptionists are another story. Instead of thinking about the solution they also kind of blame me what I am doing there and ask questions about the walk-in center in Kenton Lane. OMG. I got so angry, I lost my temper (I am usually very calm and try to be kind with people) and I raised my voice and I wanted to leave them as they were. I HONESTLY RATHER DIE ALONE IN MY BED THAN BEING TREATED LIKE THIS. After that the receptionist fake some kindness and got me an appointment with my gp. I am beyond speechless. I don't mind if they tell me that I should have gone to the GP or offer me the solution and book an appointment for me immediately but WHY DID YOU NEED TO HUMILIATE ME AND MAKE ME FEEL VERY BAD (S..) AND ACCUSING ME OF BEING A LIAR?? I just wanted to get removed my stitches because I cannot do it on my own... That is what I pay tax for??? Seriously? Ridiculous

Major improvements needed and teaching some basic manners to these nurses and receptionists would be also crucial.


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