
alma jensen
Review of Sunrise RTC

4 years ago

I wanted to clarify on a past review that's on her...

I wanted to clarify on a past review that's on here. The car accident that took place in 2010 was NOT due to neglect. The staff driving the vehicle was an amazing lady and the incidient itself was an ACCIDENT. I was there in the van and watched as a terrible accident unfolded.

The only positive experiences I had at Sunrise were:

My therapist- Jack
My relationship coah - Andy (whom I still am in contact with)
The hiking (woo Zion)

I left sunrise ungraduated with the idea of me coming back 3 months later to graduate. Which never happened because after s month home I reverted into my old ways.

I even got worse because I had never seriously touched substances until after being at Sunrise where I learned about so many drugs from the other ladies and staff.

They ( what was dicsussed in their treatment meeting by the therapists and directors ) purposefully tried to stress me out to "learn how to manage stress" I had 3 chores as well as the duty to check everyones chores off. I believe it was because there wasn't enough girls so they pilled extra loads on certain girls as "therapeutic."

One of the residents in there with me (I will not reveal names) was so far behind mentally and was a danger to herself and others. She would throw hysterical tantrums and would lash out psychically. I remember the staff would tell me to go calm her down when they dained it "too hard," that or when they were too lazy to do their job.

There's a basment where there's bunks for the girls level 3 and up because there's no supervision downstairs. Girls would be psychally fighting for fun or making out and being inappropriate.

I was fortunate that my therapist was competent. I felt like he was the only competant one there.

I liked the teachers there especially the spanich teacher Dane Hess. But I did not get the best education from them and when transittioning home and back into a public highschool I was quite behind in some studies such as Science. I took biology 3 times because of Sunrise....

They made lots of girls go hungry. Only feeding us to serving size on the package. NO QUALIFIED dietitian or nutritionist. If you're BMI was low enough you qualified for seconds if not you went hungry. Grabbing a snack was considered stealing.

Many girls that graduated came back while I was there.

I wish my parents wouldn't have wasted their money sending me to places when it didn't end up working.


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