Tim Larkey

4 years ago

From the outset i would like to express my concern...

From the outset i would like to express my concern that like previous poor reviews, the owner will likely dismiss the concerns that have been raised whilst also questioning the authenticity of the review as "YOU ARE NOT IN OUR FILES."

As that is out of the way i will reiterate that this is certainly a pyramid scheme. The interview process is thorough, and from a distance the company looks highly professional with a strong corporate culture.

Taking a closer look however, turnover in the company is extremely high, not because the majority of employees are travellers and have gained skills to work elsewhere; but because of both unkept assurances in conjunction with poor pay. Upon having been given the job, one is told of the bountiful industry to which they have just walked into, but ultimately, without a base salary at all, and representing companies who lack competitiveness in their respective field, the only way to make an average earning is blatantly lying at the expense of the traditional consumer, something that the very senior and high up "contractors" have no problem doing.

additionally, most of the sites to which you will be selling are located at a minimum of 40 minutes by car, which of course, if one chooses to drive, you are not reimbursed for the expenses attributed to the costs of fuel. Moreover, for trips that tend to be longer than 2-3 hours, the company tends to put a group of contractors up in a shared house, which by no surprise, also comes out of your pay.

I have no quarrel with a company whom have self interest prioritised, as for the most part, that is what tends to happen in a highly competitive environment. I do however have a problem when i am not paid my owed amount and have communication terminated solely because i ask for what is rightfully mine. As part of a sales company it is only natural that contractors have a 'bond' which refers to a sum of money taken away from your paycheck in the case of future cancellations from already processed sales. After three months however, a sale is rendered official, and thus, the 33% of the sale negated from your invoice should become absolute. A few colleagues including myself totalled a bond value of significant earnings yet was unable to claim this back due to terminated communication from all employees at the business.

Despite having the power to seek proper renumeration i write this review simply to deter future 'contractors' from considering this role as it will only impact you negatively going forward, an experience i absolutely regret.

In all the positive reviews mentioned on this page i recognised many names of current contractors and executives currently at the office, contributing to this facade of excellence as displayed.

Finally i want to reiterate that this comment will likely be dismissed, covered by an abundance of new comments to avoid negative publicity, or blatantly disregarded for the reason that they have no recollection of my working at the company.



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