Jon Powlison

3 years ago

I was referred to TUCC by my primary care physicia...

I was referred to TUCC by my primary care physician because of a chronic issue that I ve been dealing with for the past couple years. It s basically made my life miserable and because it s gotten increasingly worse this year, just getting though the day-to-day has become difficult. Not to mention the fact that going to a doctor's visit now is more stressful given the circumstances with the virus. Even so, when I was referred to TUCC, I really was hopeful that the doctors there might be able to help me.

I had my first appointment at the end of June with Dr. Benjamin Carpenter. And now that I know what kind of place this is, I guess it s not all surprising that the visit went the way it did. He didn t listen when I tried to tell him what I thought was going on and instead jumped straight to a diagnosis which didn t really make sense to me and prescribed me some expensive meds.

On top of it, he said I needed to be on the meds for 5 weeks so my follow-up visit was scheduled for the first week in August (last week). And obviously, when you re dealing with something chronic that affects your everyday life, 5 weeks is a long time but I didn t want to argue. I figured I d give him the benefit of the doubt, follow his instructions exactly, and hope that he was right and that the meds he prescribed would help.

Well, the meds did nothing for me so after 5 weeks of continuing to be miserable, I went in for my appointment last week. Apprehensive and stressed but again hopeful that we could figure something out and schedule the next step in my treatment. Well, after sitting for a bit I was told that there was a scheduling mixup and that without bothering to ask me (or even notify me) that my appointment had been bumped and rescheduled for an ENTIRE MONTH LATER. The reason? So Dr. Carpenter could perform a surgery during the time slot that I was supposed to have my follow up visit. Ya know, the one I had already waited 5 weeks for.

So to paraphrase, TUCC said Well, we know we re going to make a whole lot more money on a surgery than your follow up visit and we re taking the money. Also, we care so little about you as a patient that we're just going to tell you to go ahead and be miserable for another 5 weeks (at least).

I've had some bad experiences with doctor's offices but my experience at TUCC was without question the worst by a long shot. But don t worry, they re still sending me bills in the mail for my first visit.


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